Search the Web for TV and Movie Sounds
Classic Sound effects popularized on both the big and small screens. Click below to hear sounds made by your favorite characters!
Movie and TV Sounds
24 Ace Ventura Beavis and Butthead Bewitched
Bionic Man Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck Donald Duck
Family Guy Flintstones Flipper Elmer Fudd
Godzilla Howard Dean I Dream of Jeannie Jeopardy
Jurassic Park Psycho Monty Python Pee Wee Herman
Pete Puma Price is Right Roadrunner Scooby Doo
Star Trek Star Wars Tarzan Taz
The Hollywood Squares The Jetsons The Joker The Simpsons
The Three Stooges The Transformers Tigger Tim Allen
Wheel of Fortune Woody Woodpecker