Search the Web for Bird Sounds
From polite chirps to annoying squawks, browse through dozens of categories and thousands of sounds produced by our fine feathered friends!
Bird Sounds
albatross antwren babbler bellbird bittern
blackbird blue jay bluebird bobwhite bunting
buzzard canary cardinal catbird chaffinch
chick chickadee chicken chiffchaff cockatoo
coot cowbird crane crossbill crow
cuckoo dove duck eagle egret
euphonia falcon finch flamingo flicker
flycatcher gnatwren goldfinch goose grackle
grebe grosbeak grouse guillemot gull
hawk heron hoopoe hummingbird ibis
jay junco kestrel killdeer kingbird
kingfisher kiskadee kookaburra lark loon
lyrebird macaw magpie mallard martin
meadowlark mockingbird mynah nightingale nuthatch
oriole osprey ovenbird owl oystercatcher
partridge parakeet parrot parula peacock
pelican penguin pewee pheasant phoebe
pigeon pipit quail raven redstart
robin rooster sandpiper sapsucker seagull
shrike siskin skua skylark snipe
sparrow starling stork swallow swan
swift tailorbird tanager tern thrasher
thrush titmouse towhee turkey vireo
vulture warbler waterthrush waxwing whipbird
whistling duck whippoorwill willow warbler woodpecker wren
yellow wagtail

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